1 pycharm clean uninstall on windows


  1. uninstall pycharm
  2. Remove the following directories:

2 Install package

in cmd command window

# PyPI
pip install py2exe

conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/manmadescience py2exe

conda install pandas
pip install pandas

NTLM support for Python3

No working package for Pthon3 at the moment

3 Managing environments

3.1 Conda

$ conda -V  # Check conda is installed
# conda 3.7.0

conda create --name myenvv  #By default, environments are installed into the envs directory in the conda directory.

conda create --name myenv python=3.4  # create an environment with a specific version of Python

conda activate and conda deactivate

conda env list # view the list of enviroment

conda remove --name myenv --all #  Delete an virtual environment

3.2 Pipenv

pip install pipenv

pipenv --venv # list environment. must go to the project folder containing the environment firstly

pipenv --rm # remove environment

pipenv install #  go to the folder containing your Python project, and create a new environment. This will create two new files, Pipfile and Pipfile.lock, in your project directory, and a new virtual environment for your project if it doesn’t exist already.

pipenv shell # activate it

pipenv install beautifulsoup4 # install a Python package for your project

build pipenv enviroment from conda enviroment

# go to project directory
cd C:\Users\user_name\Desktop\my_projects\chatbot

# create python 3.7.5 version
conda create -n pipenv3.7 python=3.7

# active the enviroement
conda activate pipenv3.7

# find python path
where python

# create a pipenv with the python path under the actived pipenv3.7
pipenv --python=C:\Users\user_name\.conda\envs\pipenv3.7\python.exe

# install package based on pipfile from the project directory
pipenv install

# for import _ssl DLL load fail error
# copy from C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\bin to C:\Users\user_name\.conda\envs\pipenv3.7\DLLs

3.3 virtualenv

pip install virtualenv # Install the virtualenv package

virtualenv mypython # Create the virtual environment

# Activate the virtual environment
source mypython/bin/activate # Mac OS / Linux
mypthon\Scripts\activate # Windows

deactivate # Deactivate the virtual environment

3.4 poetry


# in windows cmd
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -


# 1. in whindows cmd
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py - --uninstall
# 2. remove file in the following directory
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